Main Street Project Update, December 13, 2024

Construction Update

Sewer main construction on Main St. between Church St. and
S. Winooski will continue.

Water main replacement and temporary water main work will continue through January.

Isolated excavation may occur from St. Paul to Church Street for
water work.

Overall, the contractor will work to reduce the construction limits during the holidays to the greatest extent possible. 

Please see the parking and traffic sections below for more information on impacts.

Traffic Update

Main Street and Winooski Ave. Intersection:

Westbound Main Street traffic will be accommodated for passenger vehicles up to Winooski Avenue 24/7 with the ability to turn northbound and southbound onto Winooski Avenue 
through December 25. 
Flaggers will be onsite to assist with traffic control as needed.

The Main/Church will remain closed to vehicular traffic. Pedestrian access at this location will be expanded.

On Lower Church Street, vehicular access will remain restricted north of the Courthouse Plaza entrance (the entrance will continue to be accessible). Deliveries may be accommodated by coordinating with the contractor.

The St. Paul/Main Street intersection remains closed to vehicular traffic. Deliveries into the intersection will be accommodated. Traffic control personnel will be onsite to assist
delivery vehicle access.

All vehicular access on Main Street between St. Paul and
S. Winooski is restricted.

A partial closure of the Pine/Main intersection will begin on Wednesday, 12/18 and be in effect for several weeks. Traffic control personnel will be present to assist with the  flow of traffic

See the map below for construction work
locations and detours.

For more information on current construction work locations,
detour, and pedestrian impacts for multiple DPW large construction project impacts within the City, click on the map image below.

Parking Update

Additional public parking is available at the Courthouse Plaza garage

All downtown core parking meters will have a holiday price roll-back to 99 cents / hour from Thanksgiving through New Year’s. This promotion was developed in conversations with downtown businesses and was approved by the DPW Commission.

Reduced parking is available on Main Street between Pine and St. Paul Street. No parking is available on Main between St. Paul and
S. Winooski Ave.

Parking directly north/south of the active work zone at the St. Paul Street intersection will be impacted.

Parking at the Courthouse Plaza Garage (South Winooski Ave. entrance only) continues to be available at the City rate of $1.50/hour and space is still highly available.

City rates are only available on the level that is accessed from the South Winooski Aveentrance.

Some public parking has been restored on the lot located at the corner of Main St. and S. Winooski Ave.

Parking directly in and adjacent to work zones will be impacted, please obey on-street parking signage.

Please do not park in areas that have meter bags or are
coned off.

Please follow signage for access to local businesses and alternate business parking. Click below to access and explore the City of Burlington’s interactive parking map.

Explore the City of Burlington’s interactive parking map.

Nearby Project Alerts

For information on nearby projects, click below to go to the
DPW Construction Portal

For information on the Champlain Parkway and traffic impacts, click below

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Update January 10, 2025

The intersection of Main and S. Winooski Avenue is now fully closed. The intersection of Main/Church has been reopened. There