Traffic & Parking

These changes are effective at minimum for the duration of construction which is anticipated to be approximately 3 years.


Nine new parking spaces were added to this S. Champlain be-tween Main Street and College Street on the west side of the road. This was possible by relocating short-term bus parking to other locations away from construction. Additionally, since the street is narrow, it was changed to being one-way northbound.

In early March 2024, DPW will convert the block of S. Champlain St from Main Street to King St to one-way southbound to add additional parking throughout construction.


Two existing bus parking spaces were relocated prior to the start of construction to ensure these spaces are still useful to GMT and private bus companies as well as facilitated needed on street vehicle parking. One bus space replaced 3 metered parking spaces at 26 Pearl Street (ACME Glass) and the other replaced a vehicle loading space and accessible space in front of 266 College Street (Formerly the YMCA) that were no longer used for those purposes.


East of South Union Street, DPW restored on street parking on the south side of Main St between South Union and South Willard St for weekday evenings and weekends. These spaces will be unrestricted during the times they are available.

Main Street Parking Study

DPW brought forward the draft of the Main Street Parking Study to the Public Works
Commission in March of 2023, and opened the study up for public comment.

This study helped inform DPW as parking changes were proposed. A copy of staff communication and a draft of the study can be found here:

Construction Hours

Monday – Friday

Spring:     7am – 6pm
Summer:  7am –9pm

Saturday work may be required and permitted at times. Night work generally not permitted, except in extenuating circumstances.

Projected Completion Date: Winter 2026

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