Reconnecting Bank & Cherry

Reconnecting Bank & Cherry is the next phase in the Great Streets reinvestment into our downtown. This project includes restoring the downtown grid by building new street segments of Saint Paul and Pine – reconnecting Bank to Cherry.

Upcoming Public Meeting!

WHEN: THURSDAY, May 23, 2024 at 6:30 pm (Open House); Meeting starts at 7:00PM

WHERE: Burlington City Hall and ZOOM

In-Person: Burlington City Hall, Contois Auditorium, 149 Church St, Burlington, VT 05401


Telephone: +1(305)-224-1968 | Meeting ID: 929 3516 1395 | Passcode: 408066

The Department of Public Works invites the community to participate in a meeting to learn about the Great Streets Reconnecting Bank and Cherry Street Project. We are currently in the design phase of this project, which is tentatively scheduled to begin construction in 2026.

If you are unable to join us, the meeting will be recorded and available on the project website. There will be additional opportunities to learn about this project as it prepares for construction as early as 2026.

To request interpreter services for the May 23rd meeting or to learn more about the Great Streets Reconnecting Bank & Cherry Project, please call 802.809.1355 or email [email protected] by May 15th

Reconnecting Bank & Cherry is a people-centered, pedestrian friendly approach.

It incorporates Great Streets Design Standards along with best practices and community priorities. The project includes: a curbless Bank Street to promote walkability and easy commerce, green infrastructure to continue our tradition of protecting Lake Champlain, better lighting, more seating, additional bike parking, healthier trees, and more.

This project includes a workforce development program, managed by the City’s Business and Workforce Development deparment, that will develop training programs that positively impact underrepresented segments of our population and can offer training related to the construction project.

Reconnecting Bank & Cherry is funded by multiple sources to limit the impact to the local taxpayer, including the Waterfront TIF District, a United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant, and a Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) grant from Senator Leahy.


This project will rebuild Cherry Street and Bank Street in their entirety. It will also build one new block of Saint Paul Street and one new block on Pine Street that connect Bank to Cherry Street.

Check back soon for additional content!

Construction Hours

Monday – Friday

Spring:     7am – 6pm
Summer:  7am –9pm

Saturday work may be required and permitted at times. Night work generally not permitted, except in extenuating circumstances.

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