Reconnecting Bank & Cherry

Reconnecting Bank & Cherry is the next phase in the Great Streets reinvestment into our downtown. This project includes restoring the downtown grid by building new street segments of Saint Paul and Pine – reconnecting Bank to Cherry.


A public meeting was held on 5/23/2024 to present the preliminary streetscape concepts. A follow-up online survey was available to provide comment, the survey was closed to responses on 9/17/2024.

You can watch a recording of the meeting or view a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation.


Reconnecting Bank & Cherry is a people-centered, pedestrian friendly approach.

It incorporates Great Streets Design Standards along with best practices and community priorities. The project includes: a curbless Bank Street to promote walkability and easy commerce, green infrastructure to continue our tradition of protecting Lake Champlain, better lighting, more seating, additional bike parking, healthier trees, and more.

This project includes a workforce development program, managed by the City’s Business and Workforce Development deparment, that will develop training programs that positively impact underrepresented segments of our population and can offer training related to the construction project.

Reconnecting Bank & Cherry is funded by multiple sources to limit the impact to the local taxpayer, including the Waterfront TIF District, a United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant, and a Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) grant from Senator Leahy.


This project will rebuild Cherry Street and Bank Street in their entirety. It will also build one new block of Saint Paul Street and one new block on Pine Street that connect Bank to Cherry Street.

Bank St. CONCEPT Plan

Bank Street is envisioned as a “curbless” pedestrian-oriented street that could be closed to through-traffic for outdoor events, festivals, etc. As with all the streets within the Burlington Great Streets project area, the streetscape will include a permeable paver belt with street trees and site furnishings. Opportunities for public gathering spaces are being explored in locations where parking spaces are not needed. 

Cherry St. CONCEPT Plan

Although envisioned as a typical curbed street, the streetscape for Cherry Street is also intended to promote downtown vitality through shared public spaces, shaded outdoor seating, and environmentally-minded design elements. 


Construction Hours

Monday – Friday

Spring:     7am – 6pm
Summer:  7am –9pm

Saturday work may be required and permitted at times. Night work generally not permitted, except in extenuating circumstances.

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